.. Copyright 2012 splinter authors. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. .. meta:: :description: Take screenshot :keywords: splinter, python, tutorial, screenshot ++++++++++ Screenshot ++++++++++ Splinter can take a screenshot of the current view: .. highlight:: python :: browser = Browser() screenshot_path = browser.screenshot('absolute_path/your_screenshot.png') You should use the absolute path to save a screenshot. If you don't use an absolute path, the screenshot will be saved in a temporary file. Take a full view screenshot: .. highlight:: python :: browser = Browser() screenshot_path = browser.screenshot('absolute_path/your_screenshot.png', full=True) Element Screenshot ++++++++++++++++++ If the element is in the current view: .. highlight:: python :: browser = Browser() browser.visit('http://example.com') element = browser.find_by_xpath('xpath_rule').first screenshot_path = element.screenshot('absolute_path/your_screenshot.png') If the element is not in the current view: .. highlight:: python :: browser = Browser() browser.visit('http://example.com') element = browser.find_by_xpath('xpath_rule').first screenshot_path = element.screenshot('absolute_path/your_screenshot.png', full=True) +++++++++++++ HTML Snapshot +++++++++++++ Splinter can also take a snapshot of the current HTML: .. highlight:: python :: browser = Browser() screenshot_path = browser.html_snapshot('absolute_path/your_screenshot.html')