.. Copyright 2021 splinter authors. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. .. meta:: :description: New splinter features on version 0.18.0. :keywords: splinter 0.18.0, news [0.18.0] ======== Added ----- * WebDriverElement() now implements the `shadow_root` property. This returns a ShadowRootElement() object to interact with the shadow root of an element. * Failed driver imports are logged at the debug level instead of silently ignored * `browser.html_snapshot()` now takes the optional `unique_file` argument. Setting this to False will disable the addition of random characters to the filename. Changed ------- * repr(ElementList()) now returns the repr of the internal container. * Driver.find_link_by_ methods have been removed. Use Driver.links.find_by_. * Screenshot taken by WebDriverElement.screenshot() now implements Selenium's element screenshot instead of cropping a full page screenshot. * Flask/Django's back/forward methods more accurately store browsing history * Official Python 3.6 support has been removed Fixed ----- * 0.17.0 would report as 0.16.0. 0.18.0 reports correctly. * When using Firefox, extensions can now be installed