+++++++++++++++++++++ Required Applications +++++++++++++++++++++ Chrome ====== The following applications are required: - `Google Chrome `_ - `ChromeDriver `_ Chromedriver must also be available on your operating system's `PATH` environment variable. Install ------- Mac OS X ~~~~~~~~ The recommended way is by using `Homebrew `_: .. code-block:: console brew install chromedriver Linux ~~~~~ Go to the `download page on the Chromium project `_ and choose the correct version for your Linux installation. Then extract the downloaded file in a directory in the ``PATH`` (e.g. ``/usr/bin``). You can also extract it to any directory and add that directory to the ``PATH``: Linux 64bits ~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: console cd $HOME/Downloads wget https://chromedriver.storage.googleapis.com/2.41/chromedriver_linux64.zip unzip chromedriver_linux64.zip mkdir -p $HOME/bin mv chromedriver $HOME/bin echo "export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin" >> $HOME/.bash_profile Windows ~~~~~~~ Go to the `download page on Selenium project `_ and choose "ChromeDriver server for win". Your browser will download a zip file, extract it and add the ``.exe`` file to your PATH. If you don't know how to add an executable to the PATH on Windows, check these link out: * `Environment variables `_ * `How to manage environment variables in Windows XP `_ * `How to manage environment variables in Windows 8 & 10 `_ Firefox ======= The following applications are required: - `Mozilla Firefox `_ - `Geckodriver `_ Geckodriver must also be available on your operating system's `PATH` environment variable. Install +++++++ Mac OS X -------- The recommended way is by using `Homebrew `_: .. code-block:: console brew install geckodriver Edge ==== The following applications are required: - `Microsoft Edge `_ - `Microsoft Edge Driver `_ Microsoft Edge Driver must also be available on your operating system's `PATH` environment variable. Install +++++++ Mac OS X -------- Modern versions of Edge (79+) are available for Mac OS X. However, no versions of Edge Legacy are available. Linux ----- Neither version of Edge is available for Linux, and thus Edge WebDriver cannot be used on Linux systems.