.. Copyright © 2018 splinter authors. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. .. meta:: :description: Setting up your development environment for Splinter. :keywords: splinter, open source, python, contribute, development environment +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Development Environment Setup +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Setting up a splinter development environment is a really easy task. Once you have some basic development tools on your machine, you can set up the entire environment with just one command. Basic Tools =========== Let's deal with those tools first. macOS ------ If you're a macOS user, you just need to install Xcode, which can be downloaded from Mac App Store (on Snow Leopard or later) or from `Apple website `_. Linux ----- If you are running a Linux distribution, you need to install some basic development libraries and headers. For example, on Ubuntu, you can easily install all of them using ``apt-get``: .. highlight:: bash :: $ [sudo] apt-get install build-essential python-dev libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev PIP and virtualenv ------------------ Make sure you have pip installed. We manage all splinter development dependencies with `PIP `_, so you should use it too. And please, for the sake of a nice development environment, use `virtualenv `_. If you aren't using it yet, start now. :) Dependencies ------------ Once you have all development libraries installed for your OS, just install all splinter development dependencies with ``make``: .. highlight:: bash :: $ [sudo] make dependencies **Note:** You will need ``sudo`` only if you aren't using virtualenv (which means you're a really bad guy - *no donuts for you*). Also make sure you have properly configured your :doc:`Chrome driver `.