.. meta:: :description: New splinter features on earlier versions. :keywords: splinter, python, news, documentation, tutorial, web application +++++++++++++ splinter news +++++++++++++ what's new in splinter 0.1.1? ============================= - compability with Firefox 5 what's new in splinter 0.1? =========================== Features -------- - capability to handle HTTP errors (using an exception) in Selenium drivers (Firefox and Chrome) - capability to work with HTTP status code in Selenium drivers (Firefox and Chrome) - browsing history (``back`` and ``forward`` methods in ``Browser`` class) - improvements in documentation Bugfixes -------- - fixed Chrome driver instability - fixed ``Browser.choose`` behaviour - fixed WebDriver silenting routine Backward incompatible changes ----------------------------- - you should update your selenium to 2.0rc2 version what's new in splinter 0.0.3? ============================= Features -------- - now splinter use selenium 2.0b3 for firefox and chrome driver - zope.testbrowser.browser dependency is not required - new method for reload a page - find_by_css_selector is now deprecated, use find_by_css instead - deprecated methods now throw "DeprecationWarning" - methods for verify if element or text is present - find_by methods wait for element - added support for iframes and alerts - added more specific exception messages for not found elements Backward incompatible changes ----------------------------- - you should update your selenium to 2.0b3 version what's new in splinter 0.0.2? ============================= Features -------- - fill instead of fill_in to fill inputs - support to google chrome selenium 2 driver - form interactions now support select - issue #11: improve find's methods to return all/first/last elements now finder methods (find_by_name, find_by_css_selector, find_by_tag, find_by_id, find_by_xpath) returns a ElementList object that contains a list of all found elements: :: browser.find_by_name('name') .first - to find first element :: browser.find_by_name('name').first .last - to find last element :: browser.find_by_name('name').last And additionally, using index :: browser.find_by_name('name')[1] An id should be unique in a web page, so find_by_id() method always returns a list with a single element. Backward incompatible changes ----------------------------- - issue #24 remove save_and_open_page method from splinter api. This feature is out of splinter's scope, hence should be implemented as an external package. - now finder methods (find_by_name, find_by_css_selector, find_by_tag, find_by_id, find_by_xpath) returns a list with elements, to get the first element founded use `first` attribute :: browser.find_by_name('name').first what's new in splinter 0.0.1? ================================ Features ----------------- - support to firefox selenium 2 driver - support to zope test browser - navigating with Browser.visit - get the title of the visited page - get the html content of the visited page - visited page's url can be accessed by the url attribute - finding first element by tag, xpath, css selector, name and id - find first link by xpath or text - interacting with forms: text input, file, radio and check button - verifying if element is visible or invisible - executing and evaluating javascript - debug with save and open page