.. meta:: :description: Find how to contribute with splinter. :keywords: splinter, python, contribution, open source, testing, web application, atdd ++++++++++ contribute ++++++++++ * Source hosted at `GitHub `_ * Report issues on `GitHub Issues `_ Pull requests are very welcome! Make sure your patches are well tested and documented :) running the tests ================= If you are using a virtualenv, all you need is: .. highlight:: bash :: $ make test You can also specify one or more test files to run: .. highlight:: bash :: $ make test which=tests/test_webdriver_firefox.py,tests/test_request_handler.py You can pass which test files you want to run, separated by comma, to the ``which`` variable. some conventions we like ======================== You can feel free to create and pull request new branches to Splinter project. When adding support for new drivers, we usually work in a separated branch. writing docs ============ Splinter documentation is written using `Sphinx `_, which uses `RST `_. Check these tools docs to learn how to write docs for Splinter. building docs ============= In order to build the HTML docs, just run on terminal: .. highlight:: bash :: $ make doc