.. Copyright 2014 splinter authors. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. .. meta:: :description: How to use splinter with Flask. :keywords: splinter, python, tutorial, how to install, installation, Flask +++++ Flask +++++ .. module:: splinter.driver.flaskclient Usage ----- To use the ``flask`` driver, you'll need to pass the string ``flask`` and an app instances via the ``app`` keyword argument when you create the ``Browser`` instance: .. code-block:: python from splinter import Browser browser = Browser('flask', app=app) **Note:** if you don't provide any driver to ``Browser`` function, ``firefox`` will be used. When visiting pages with the Flask client, you only need to provide a path rather than a full URL. For example: .. code-block:: python browser.visit('/my-path') API docs -------- .. autoclass:: splinter.driver.flaskclient.FlaskClient :members: :inherited-members: :exclude-members: execute_script, evaluate_script